Blog & News
Departures Creative Exhibition.
LB prouds to support all young designers.
ํyou did such great job 🙂
The exhibition lasts until Mar 3, don’t miss it!
“Departures” design thesis exhibition by the 27th graduating class of Department of Creative Arts, Faculty of Fine And Applied Arts, Chulalongkorn University
Congratulations to Rukpong
Huge congratulations to Rukpong for the 1st runner-up award of the Contemporary Fashion Contest 2013
LB has been chosen to be featured in this collection as ‘London Brown for Rukpong.’ We must say that we are so proud to be a part of this special event and Rukpong definitely is a potential young talent. His future career path is sure to be amazing and we wholeheartedly believe that he will become a successful designer in the near future.
more photos at